Articles by keyword project management
Hypertext Technology for Simulating Networks of Scientific and Engineering Problems
A. P. Gagarin
The possibility of using temporal logic for managment complex projects control
O.V. Stoyanova, M.I. Dli, A.I. Vasitsyna
Development of a project management system ensuring an interrelation between the product division scheme and the topic schedule, adjusted to the requirements of a specialized equipment developer enterprise
N.V. Gliznutsa, P.E. Romanov
Basic approaches and specifics of system projects management in high-tech economic sectors
S.F. Boev, D.D. Stupin, A.A. Kachkarov, A.N. Sukhareva
Risks of identity management system implementation projects
P. A. Baranov - Ph.D. (Eng.)
Project risks of centralyzed user identity management it-service creation preparation processes
P.A. Baranov - Ph.D.(Eng.), Assistant Professor, National Research University Higher School of Economics
Software and algorithmic solutions to integrating technical documentation and the project management system into a PDM system
N.V. Gliznoutsa - Head of Department, GSKB «Almaz-Antey». E-mail:
Information system of the project management in the nuclear industry
I.D. Uvarov - First Deputy Director of System Engineering and Information Technology, Joint-Stock Company Nizhny Novgorod Engineering Company «Atomenergoproekt» (JSC NIAEP). E-mail:
Software project management: life cycle models and development methodologies, analysis and classification

K.S. Myshenkov1, D.A. Gurianov2

1,2 Bauman Moscow State Technical University (National Research University) (Moscow, Russia),