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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №3 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Software and algorithmic solutions to integrating technical documentation and the project management system into a PDM system
N.V. Gliznoutsa - Head of Department, GSKB «Almaz-Antey». E-mail: otd101u10@mail.ru
Developing a software and algorithmic solution (SAS) for integration of technical documentation (TD) and the project management system is aimed at improving efficiency of planning and management of design and engineering work by directly connecting the project objectives to the results of their fulfillment in an automated mode using a PDM system. The purpose of implementation of a PDM system is to increase efficiency of organizing processes within the design and engineering work. Achieving this goal includes the completion of the following major tasks: implement a transparent system for tracking project completion; implement electronic documents, electronic product models (EPM) and electronic product structures (EPS); create a centralized electronic archive of design and engineering documentation, including implementation of electronic technical document flow. In modern PDM systems, when using a standard configuration, these tasks are completed by integrating the three main modules: product data management module (PDM), project management module (PM), and the workflow organization module (WO). Combining these modules ensures integration of EPMs into the work schedule, but is carried out in a manual mode, which has the following substantial disadvantages: - mismatch between the execution of work schedules and real results of design and engineering work, due to the absence of an obligatorily controlled relation between the PM and the PDM module; - no procedures for checking the correspondence between objectives and results attached thereto. To address these disadvantages, it is necessary to upgrade the standard configuration of a PDM system, giving it completely new functional properties. To do this, we developed an SAS that provides a connection between the technical documentation developed during product design and the project management system in an automated mode. To implement the selected SAS, we developed and introduced two objects: a work index containing names of works and labor input required was introduced into the PM module; workflow templates containing business processes that describe procedures of designing the product throughout its lifecycle were introduced into the WO module. Under this configuration, the product development process will be as follows. The manager forms work schedules in the PM module using the work index. Each work from the index is connected to a workflow template, which allows to start a business process automatically. At the development stage, the performer creates technical docu-mentation, which is added to the system using the interface of the WO module, and automatically transferred to the PDM module by the system. Thus, using the SAS enables the system to control the execution of tasks and the transition to the next step by checking if the developed TD is added to the system at the development stage and subsequently validating the results thereof at the approval stage. Upon completion of all stages of the business process, the system assigns the status of «Done» to a task in work schedule, ensuring that the execution schedules correspond to actual results of design and engineering work. The introduction of a work index, workflow templates and application of the proposed SAS makes it possible to integrate project ob-jectives with the results of their implementation in an automated mode, which serves the goal of improving efficiency of planning and management of design and engineering work at the enterprise.
Pages: 191-194


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