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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №1 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Hypertext Technology for Simulating Networks of Scientific and Engineering Problems
A. P. Gagarin
Eligibility and competitiveness of research and design projects as well as feasibility of their expected results are currently estimated par excellence by expert methods. This practice implies that factors and underlying dependences, necessary to correctly estimate and schedule projects, likely escape attention and avoid of any unbiased oversight. Any sufficiently universal simulation environment may supply a computerized support of planning and assessment activities that project manager usually needs of, but the manager appears thereby to be obliged to work out suitable model idealization as well as to implement models from elements of rather low level. This kind of expenses could be prevented, if a specialized environment is used, that provides dedicated model components as well as tools enabling input of data into model and driving of model runs. This issue concerns trial sample of a simulation environment that provides typical objects, representing scientific or engineering problems, conditions and results of their solving. The environment is based on specialized hypertext editor. Every model is implemented in the environment as a hypertext document, mapping a network of problems of some project, including specifications of problem content, necessary ontological support and scripts for setting of model runs. The problem network is inserted into superposition of innovation cycles pertaining to the development, manufacturing and application of corresponding products. Normal innovation cycle is supposed consisting of 6 processes: research, engineering, manufacturing, adoption, exploitation, assessment and problem definition. The process «Assessment and problem definition» creates a set of problems, that are independent one from another in es-sence, but related with the product of the innovation cycle under consideration. The created problems are transmitted to the process «Research», that starts up actions aimed to solve the problems. A problem can be solved whether in boundaries of the initiating process, or in its subprocesses, that are created for solution of secondary problems. Generally, the resulting solution is a partially-ordered set of derived problems and measures. Measure is here understood as a specification of actions of some routine nature that are necessary to obtain some product being a solution of the problem, but don-t evolve new problems. Finale nodes of problem decomposition are always measures. If all secondary problems (subproblems) of a primary problem are lead up to measures, then the primary problem may be considered as solved, and deadline of its solution is determined by terms when the measures will be met. The solved primary problem is transmitted to the process named «Engineering». The models may be used for accumulating of knowledge about projects under consideration and about milieux of the projects taken as wide as up to mapping the state of the art in associated areas of science and technology, as well as for forecasting of technological advances in frames of specified scenarios.
Pages: 72-76
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