350 rub
Journal Science Intensive Technologies №9 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Basic approaches and specifics of system projects management in high-tech economic sectors
high-tech industry
system project
technological leadership
system project management
defense-industrial sector
scientific production holding company
R&D infrastructure
S.F. Boev, D.D. Stupin, A.A. Kachkarov, A.N. Sukhareva
In modern world, possession of advanced technologies determines the welfare of the community and citizens of every country. Scientific and technological leadership must issue from the idea of certain technological leadership of economic sectors and companies, corporations, and concerns that function in these sectors.
Several ways can be used to ensure competitive ability of the country in the world market. The large-scale government programs (system projects) aimed to innovation scientific and technological development of the country simultaneously in many interrelated economic sectors, including high-tech industries, science, and training of skilled personnel are considered as the most efficient among them.
Prosperous companies and firms of private business can now become the driving power of scientific and technological development of the country, rather than only certain state corporations with affiliated enterprises and associations. Consolidation of creative, industrial, and financial resources of such participants in system projects offers competitive advantages to the country in the world arena, faster design and implementation of advanced technologies, and creation of up-to-date factories, and all this in line with the solution of important socio-economic problems. In respect of realization of faster innovation development within the scope of system projects, a very representative example is the world experience of creating large private-government structures organized as the high-tech scientific and production holding companies; this experience is accepted in our country and now penetrates many economic sectors, including the defense-industrial sector, which is the vanguard of high-tech industries.
The peopleware is a rather difficult problem of efficient functioning of these scientific and production holding companies. This problem came into being because of the break of the formerly unified state system of vocational education and skill training, which supplied creative and production structures of all real economic sectors with qualified workers and specialists.
The problem of vocational education of researchers for R&D infrastructures of the high-tech B2G holding companies is quite adequately realized today in the system School-University-Enterprise in the OAO «RTI» holding company on the basis of partnership between private and state capital with the use of new technological platforms created in accordance with the decision of the Government Commission on High Technology and Innovations.
Pages: 11-19
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