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Journal Neurocomputers №8 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
The possibility of using temporal logic for managment complex projects control
O.V. Stoyanova, M.I. Dli, A.I. Vasitsyna
For the effective management of complex projects it is necessary the presence of the formalized model of the project, which is the foundation using mathematical and instrumental methods of searching for optimal decisions. Now network models are widely distributed. They describe the project in the form of graph. They are clear, but allow you to simulate the only strict quantitative relationship between the activities of the project. To solve the problem of description of complex, including qualitative dependencies, it is advisable to use temporal logics. Depending on the method of presentation time information there are different types of temporal logics, using the following temporary structure: point, interval and point-interval. In the project management systems it is rationally to use the interval logic of Allen, formalizing lax temporary relationships between works. Its restriction is the inability to adequately reflect the instantaneous changes. The transition to the point-interval temporary structure allows overcoming this restriction. However, neither interval logic of Allen, nor based on it point-interval logic does not provide the ability of accounting the uncertainty of the situation in the future. The logic of branching time is used for the simulation of such uncertainty. However, at the present time, there are methods that allow you to simulate branching only for the point temporary structure. Thus, among the variety of temporal logic, the logic, based on the point-interval structure of branching time is the most suitable for the simulation of projects. Development of methods and algorithms, based on a similar description, will allow modeling of controlled parameters of the project taking into account the uncertainties of different nature, accompanying its implementation.
Pages: 48-52
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