Articles by keyword peripheral
Changing the Functional State of the Endothelium and Peripheral Perfusion under the Influence of Electromagnetic Waves in the Terahertz Range of Frequencies Nitric Oxide White Rats in a State of Acute Immobilization Stress
V.F. Kirichuck, A.N. Ivanov , T.S.Kiriyazi, A.P. Krenickiy, A.V. Mayborodin
Preventing Disorders of Peripheral Perfusion in White Rats in a State of Acute Stress by Electromagnetic Radiation at Terahertz Frequencies Nitric Oxide 150.176...150.664 GHz
V.F. Kirichuk, A.N. Ivanov, T.S. Kiriyazi, O.N. Antipovа, N.E. Babichenko, A.P. Krenitsky
Methods of Debugging and Testing of External Devices Emulators
M. V. Zibul
Principles of formation of the telematic platform for intellectual transport systems
V. N. Efanov, L. R. Sayapova
Effect of N-Propionyl-S-Isopropyl-Isothiourea on the Production of Biogenic Nitric Oxide (NO) and Haemodynamic Parameters in Animal Endotoxic Shock
M.V. Filimonova, L.I. Shevchenko, V.I. Surinova, S.P. Orlenko, V.M. Makarchuk, S.Y. Proskuriakov
Nociceptive reactions in rats upon a change in the immune status due to antigenic stimulation with lipopolysaccharide
A. Yu. Abramova - Ph.D. (Med.), Senior Research Scientist, P.K. Anokhin Institute of Normal Physiology (Moscow). E-mail:
Application of artificial neural networks with interval input parameters in electromyography

N.T. Abdullayev1, N.Ya. Mammadov2, A.N. Jafarova3, G.E. Abdullayeva4

1,4 Azerbaijan Technical University (Baku, Azerbaijan)

2,3 Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry (Baku, Azerbaijan)

Digital biometric complex estimation assessment of the pilot functional state aircraft

D.S. Koptev – Post-graduate Student, Teacher, Department of Space Instrumentation and Communication  Systems, South-West State University (Kursk) 


I.E. Mukhin – Ph.D. (Eng.), Professor, Senior Research Scientist, Department of Space Instrumentation and Communication Systems, South-West State University (Kursk)


I.G. Babanin – Senior Lecturer, Department of Space Instrumentation and Communication Systems,  South-West State University (Kursk) 


Dementia simulation based on the disruption imitation of neural network synaptic connections

A.E. Krasnov1, T.N. Krasnova2

1 Russian State Social University (Moscow, Russia)

2 Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov (Moscow, Russia)