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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №12 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Principles of formation of the telematic platform for intellectual transport systems
V. N. Efanov, L. R. Sayapova
The problems of development and designing in informative navigation facilities and telecommunications for Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) are considered. Intelligent transport systems (ITS) involve informative navigation systems for vehicles remote monitoring and control, providing optimization for vehicles operation and transportation safety increase. ITS provide all-аround control over a vehicle state, including its location, the trip route, the traveling schedule, the speed mode, events onboard, conditions of load transportation, etc unlike simple navigation systems. The ITS also traces each transport vehicle operation and reveals any deviations from traveling schedule, drivers faults and abuses on-line. ITS become more and more widespread all over the world. ITS-Europe (ERTICO), ITS-America, ITS-Japan and other international associations are well-known around the world: In Russia the concept of intelligent transport system (RITS) has also been being developed. The problem of all types of information and telecommunication services consolidation within the limits of a uniform information field is actual and complicated and its implementation requires the solution of many problems. During the integral telemetric ITS platform development it is necessary to concern the incompatibility of information services and technical and programming decisions. This article concerns the approach that allows solving the majority of the enumerated problems with the help of the unified multi-level architecture. The top level of the system concerned is formed by the integrated information environment for intelligent transport maintenance control. The second level includes main functional tasks computing systems. The third level is composed with passive and active elements including transport maintenance objects; remote monitoring and measurements manufacture means; transport system information and telecommunication elements; etc. The integral telemetric ITS platform concept presented in this article allows the unifying of hardware and software environment for a wide class regional or department specific projects implementation. The usage of opened unified information system architecture creates ample opportunities for their extensibility, mobility and interoperability and provides good premises for the further development of intelligent transport systems.
Pages: 121-127
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