Articles by keyword patent
Patented Neuronets Decisions
K. I. Tkachenko
Patented Neuronets Decisions
K. I. Tkachenko
Estimation of efficiency of technical systems with use of neural networks
S. D. Kulik, K. I. Tkachenko
Neural network device for identification of the disguised hand-written documents in russian
S. D. Kulik, D. A. Nikonets, K. I. Tkachenko, A. V. Zhizhilev
Computational complexity of the consciousness problem
A. V. Savelyev - Senior Research Scientist, Editor of the Journal «Neurocomputers: development, application», patent agency «©Uniquely honest patenting», E-mail:
Newest neural computer opthalmic communication analogy in the function anathomy of an eye as brain similarity
N. A. Novoselova-Savelyevа - Ophthalmologist, Bashkir State Medical University, clinic № 40, Ufa
A. V. Savelyev - Senior Research Scientist, Editor of the Journal «Neurocomputers: development, application», patent agency «©Uniquely honest patenting», E-mail:
What is different from the Russian foreign patent in the neurobiological field?
A.V. Savelyev - Senior Research Scientist, Editor of the Journal «Neurocomputers: development, application», «Radio Engineering» Publisher, Moscow, Russia, patent agency «©Uniquely honest patenting», E-mail:
Intellectual property management system as a supporting factor of innovative development of JSC «Concern «Vega»
V.S. Verba - Dr.Sc.(Eng.), professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, general director - general designer of JSC «Concern «Vega»
I.A. Petrova - Ph.D. (Econom.), deputy director, JSC «Concern «Vega»
V.N. Guk - Ph.D. (Eng.), Senior Research Scientist, JSC «Concern «Vega»
Basic technologies for cost management of life cycle in high available organization-technical-economic systems. Part 5. Stochastic cost modeling of supporting processes of technical readiness for park of air vehicles (test example)
I.N. Sinitsyn - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Department, Institute of Informatics Problems FRC IC of RAS (Moscow). E-mail: A.S. Shalamov - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Institute of Informatics Problems FRC IC of RAS (Moscow). E-mail: V.V. Belousov - Ph. D. (Eng.), Head of Sector, Institute of Informatics Problems FRC IC of RAS (Moscow). E-mail: T.S. Gunmikova - JSC «Rosoboroneksport». E-mail:
Neurocomputing in the borrowing music recognition
A.V. Savelyev - Senior Research Scientist, Director of the Patent agency «©Uniquely honest patenting» (Moscow); Scientific coordinator of the permanent seminar "Neurophilosophy" of the Lomonosom Moscow State University. E-mail:
Analysis of patented inventions and utility models based on convolutional neural networks

A.N. Shtanko1

1 National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI" (NRNU MEPHI) (Moscow, Russia)