350 rub
Journal Neurocomputers №6 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Neurocomputing in the borrowing music recognition
A.V. Savelyev - Senior Research Scientist, Director of the Patent agency «©Uniquely honest patenting» (Moscow); Scientific coordinator of the permanent seminar "Neurophilosophy" of the Lomonosom Moscow State University. E-mail: gmkristo@rambler.ru
The results of the study of brain signaling encryption mechanisms on an example of the phase analysis of spike flows syncytial nerve bundles by neural network modeling methods were shown. Our proposed method is neurocomputing, although it does not apply to generally mean by «neurocomputing» primitive neural network algorithms, which are essentially just an approximation in the basis of threshold functions. It is determined that the method reproduces and uses the fundamental principles underlying the information processing in the central nervous system. Conclusions about high noise immunity in mind to use noise as a useful signal is similar to the biological prototype. Examples of determining and comparing the phase characteristics of the audio signals to the influence of the phase decoding of various performers of musical works and various musical pieces performed by one per-former. The high recognition accuracy. We have developed more in the process of pre-diploma practice is the essence of the degree project method bionic phase decoding success is also used in other areas - geological exploration, search for under-ground plastic pipelines and remote determination of the flow direction in which the liquid and gaseous media, searching for plas-tic mines, searching for fallen asleep biological objects and their remains, in medical diagnostics, the determination of the elec-tromagnetic \"pollution\" of premises and areas, etc. The given algorithms of phase analysis were patented in 18 Russian patents and 1 US patent in the form of methods and devices and their modifications. Development and application of the objective crite-ria and parameters of the semantic similarity of musical works, independent or small depending on the artist, could greatly facili-tate and simplify the contentious issues of copyright in the field of music, and also to provide better protection against unautho-rized use of works.
Pages: 19-21


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