Articles by keyword antioxidant system
Platelet activity at tennis players-fans of 18-35 years
A.P. Savchenko, I.N.Medvedev
Influence of Melatonin on Free Radical Homeostasis at the chronic alcoholic intoxication at Rats
Т.N. Popova, H. Allekrad, L.V. Matasova, O.A. Safonova, A.V. Semenikhina
The effect of electro-impulse impact on bio-radical processes and the state of pro- and antioxidant systems at the condition of oxidative stress, causeв by acute hypoxia
E.M. Vechkanov, I.A. Sorokina, I.M. Paribek, I.A. Aliluev, V.V. Trigub, A.I. Lukash
Effect of topical corticosteroids on antioxidant enzymes activity and level of oxidative stress markers in patients with psoriasis
R.N. Belonogov - Ph.D. (Biol.), Krasnoyarsk State Medical University. E-mail:
T.G. Ruksha - Dr.Sc. (Med.), Krasnoyarsk State Medical University
A.S. Malyshev - Assistent, Krasnoyarsk State Medical University