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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №12 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
The effect of electro-impulse impact on bio-radical processes and the state of pro- and antioxidant systems at the condition of oxidative stress, causeв by acute hypoxia
E.M. Vechkanov, I.A. Sorokina, I.M. Paribek, I.A. Aliluev, V.V. Trigub, A.I. Lukash
Some studies were conducted In recent decades, which established that the biological effect of pulse impacts (pulse currents of low and medium frequency, pulsed electric and magnetic fields) is much higher than therapeutic effect of physical factors with constant parameters. A more complex usage of the potential biological effects of pulsed currents is possible when the exposure to such signals is most close to physiological signals, which would increase the stimulative effect, but also when the problem of sustainable conservation of the organism's reaction to the impact is solved. These two conditions correspond to pulsed electrical signals generated by the family of SCENAR devices. The broad representation of pathological conditions involving hypoxia of varying etiology, determines the relevance of the search for tools and methods to increase the resistance to hypoxia of endo-and exogenous origin, through preadaptation to such condition or posthypoxic correction of metabolic changes, by means of pulsed electric influence by the devices of the SCENAR family. The aim of this study was a comprehensive study of lipid peroxidation (LPO) in terms of its molecular products: malondialdehyde (MDA), Schiff bases (SB), diene conjugates (DC), evaluation of the functional state of erythrocyte membranes in terms of total peroxidase activity (TPA) and the study of the antioxidant system state of blood plasma of experimental animals by observing the activity of enzymes superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase under physiologically normal conditions , in acute hypobaric hypoxia as a typical pathological process and during treatment with Scenar therapy. The experiment was carried out on white male rats weighing 200-220 g at the age of 9 months. All experimental animals were divided into 6 groups: Group 1 - control - intact animals maintained on a normal diet under standard vivarium conditions, Groups 2 and 3 - rats subjected to the action of a controlled hypobaric hypoxia in the mode of 230 mm. Hg for 180 min and decapitated immediately and one day after the impact, respectively, Group 4 - rats, which received a day session of SCENAR impact, Group 5 - animals that have passed through pre-adaptation by SCENAR - a day before the processing of hypobaric hypoxia (180 min., of 230 mm. Hg), Group 6 - animals undergoing posthypoxic correction using SCENAR therapy within days after the hypobaric hypoxia exposure. The study found that the metabolism in rats with acute hypoxic syndrome demonstrates the activation of free radical oxidation and changes in carbohydrate metabolism, aimed to restore the energy balance of cells and tissues in a sharp shortage of oxygen due to the alternative synthesis of ATP by substrate phosphorylation. Immediately after the session of hypoxia the changes in blood plasma are recorded that are common for hypoxic lesions - the suppression of the activity of antioxidant enzymes, the activation of glycogenolysis, accompanied by the accumulation of degradation products of glucose - lactate and pyruvate. There is an intensification of lipid peroxidation, with the accumulation of end products - MDA, DC and the SB. In the case of animals pre-adaptated by SCENAR to the conditions of acute hypoxia, the protective effect of electric pulse effects on biochemical parameters of rat plasma, such as the level of lactate, MDA and DC have been observed, indicating a decrease in the severity of hypoxic conditions and inhibition of free radical oxidation in experimental animals. During posthypoxic correction by SCENAR it had been also noted, that the SCENAR therapy restored the biochemical parameters, such as lactate, MDA, DC, and restores the enzymes catalase and SOD from the "depressive" state.
Pages: 31-37
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