350 rub
Journal №2 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Influence of Melatonin on Free Radical Homeostasis at the chronic alcoholic intoxication at Rats
Т.N. Popova, H. Allekrad, L.V. Matasova, O.A. Safonova, A.V. Semenikhina
Melatonin action (in doses of 1 and 2 mg/kg, intraperitoneal introduction each 48 hours from 14 to 28 days of alcohol treatment) on free radical processes intensity and SOD and catalase activity in rat liver, heart and blood serum at a chronic alcoholic intoxication has been investigated. Increased values of light sum and intensity of biochemiluminescence flash, and also the level of lipid peroxide oxidation products - diene conjugates, in rat tissues at patology decreased under melatonin action, that can testify about falling of free radical processes intensity. Lowered value of a tangent of a biochemiluminescence kinetic curve falling corner in rat heart and a liver, reflecting antioxidant potential, at melatonin introduction increased. SOD and catalase activities in tissues of rats, raised at a chronic alcoholic intoxication, at melatonin introduction changed to the side of controle values. SOD activity in heart was an exception, it decreased at a pathology and was restored at melatonin action. Thus, the obtained data testify about the tendency to normalisation of the investigated indicators. Effect of melatonin amplified with increase of a dose and has been caused, probably, antioxidant properties of hormone.
Pages: 44-48
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