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Journal Technologies of Living Systems №6 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Platelet activity at tennis players-fans of 18-35 years
A.P. Savchenko, I.N.Medvedev
Doesn't raise the doubts that development functional features of an organism and liquid properties of blood is closely connected with activity level platelet. Thus, level of physical activity of an organism can influence expressiveness degree platelet functions. In too time, at young men regularly testing physical activities features of activity platelet in vitro and in vivo and level of the functional mechanisms providing them aggregation readiness aren't up to the end studied. Thereupon there was a research object in view: to estimate activity platelet functions at healthy young men without bad habits regularly training physically on an example of section of the big tennis. It is established that at healthy young men of 18-22 years regularly training physically in section of the big tennis, it is marked stably low lipid peroxidation of lipids against high activity antioxidant systems platelet. Thus, at healthy young men of 26-35 years in the past regularly training physically in section of the big tennis, antioxidant activity platelet and low level stably normal indicators are found in them lipid oxidations of lipids. At regularly training students-tennis players stably low functional activity platelet, possibly, in many respects connected with a constancy of level of sensitivity of their receptors to exogenic to influences (to concentration in blood of inductors of aggregation and the factor of Villebranda - an adhesion cofactor platelet) with invariable quantity of receptors to them on a surface of blood plates isn'ted. The work optimality receptor the device of blood plates at the regular expressed physical activity in section of the big tennis is a consequence of difficult adaptive reactions and low level peroxidase at surveyed, leading, finally, adaptations of blood plates to available operating conditions. Aggregation research platelet with a number of inductors and their combinations at young faces at stu-dent's age regularly training in section of the big tennis, and in the subsequent left regular trainings, has allowed to reveal low ability platelet to aggregation between 18-35 years. Thus, activity of aggregation platelet under the influence of strong inductors of aggregation was provided with an activity constancy phospholipase C, supervising functioning phosphoinositides ways, joining of the rest of phosphoric acid proteins contractive systems, level of an exit of Са2+ from within platelet depot and work contractive systems within и within. Besides, at young tennis-player reaction reduction platelet on weak inductors of the aggregation, realized at the expense of expression easing fibrinogen receptors (GP IIв - IIIа), stimulating phospholipase А2 which regulates an exit from phospholipids arachidonic acids and formation from it thromboxane А2 isn'ted also. Thus, the combination of several inductors has shown them strengthening each other action, having confirmed the laws established at research of aggregation platelet with isolated agonist. The constancy of intravascular activity platelet at the young men regularly training in section of the big tennis, and in the subsequent passed to irregular trainings, testifies to the maintenance in a blood-groove of tennis players of physiological level of inductors of aggregation at low sensitivity to them platelet. Thus, at training students in blood the high quantity intact discoid forms platelet remains, confirming low activity of their receptors. Stability of concentration in blood of active forms platelet it is connected also with constantly lowered expression on their membrane platelet receptors (GP IIв - IIIа). Thus, during the period with 18 for 22 years the students training in section of the big tennis, have a low activity platelet, providing the optimum maintenance of their active forms in a blood-groove and physio-logical level of rheological properties of blood against physical activities.
Pages: 33-38
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