Articles by keyword video stream
Video streaming quality ratings in communication systems by means of soft hardware
Yu.A. Ivanov
The Affect of Errors on the Quality of Streaming Video Standard H.264 / AVC Over WiMAX Broadband Wireless Access Networks
O.I. Sheluhin, U.A. Ivanov
Temporal analysis of videostream activity
S. V. Kuleshov
Influence of various types of errors in wireless access channels on video stream H.264/AVC quality
O.I. Sheluhin, Yu.A. Ivanov, M.A. Smichek
Influence of information packets reception errors on quality of streaming video at the transmission in wireless networks
S.S. Zwezhinskii, Yu.A. Ivanov, M.A. Smichek, A.N. Rudnev
H 264/AVC Stream video standart quality dependence on video content characteristics
O.I. Sheluhin, A.S. Filinova, A.A. Tenjakshev
Visual quality evaluation of streaming Н. 264/AVC video in the conditions of synchronization disturbance
O.I. Shelukhin, Yu.A. Ivanov, M.A. Smichok
Method of navigation for mobile robot based on data fusion of video and onboard sensor data
V.F. Filaretov - D.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of Laboratory Robotic systems, Institute of Automation and Control Processes FEB RAS, Head of Department Automation and Control, Far Eastern Federal University (Vladivostok). E-mail: D.A. Yukhimets - Ph.D. (Eng.), Senior Research Scientist, Laboratory Robotic systems, Institute of Automation and Control Processes FEB RAS (Vladivostok). E-mail: A.A. Novitsky - Post-graduate Student, Laboratory Robotic systems, Institute of Automation and Control Processes FEB RAS (Vladivostok). E-mail:
The detection of features in color video images
P.O. Arkhipov - Ph. D. (Eng.), Senior Research Scientist, Orel Branch of Institute of Informatics Problems of RAS. E-mail:
A hybrid intelligent information system for physical exercise motion recognition

Vladislav I. Yankovskiy  − Master-student, 

Computer Science and Control Systems Department, 

Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow, Russia)


Nikita D. Todosiev − Master-student, 

Computer Science and Control Systems Department, 

Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow, Russia)


Alexander S. Shchukin − Master-student, 

Computer Science and Control Systems Department, 

Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow, Russia)


Yuriy E. Gapanyuk - Ph.D. (Computer Sciences), Associate Professor,

Computer Science and Control Systems Department, 

Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow, Russia)


Raspberry Pi based optical stereoscopic video capture system

Yu.A. Manyakov – Ph.D.(Eng.), Senior Research Scientist.

A.I. Sorokin – Junior Research Scientist.

O.A. Yakovlev – Junior Research Scientist.

The real probability of recognizing images of people's faces using artificial neural networks

V.A. Ivanov, A.A. Smirnov, D.A. Nikolaev

Noise immunity of artificial neural networks in the recognition of images of people's faces

V.A. Ivanov, A.A. Smirnov, D.A. Nikolaev

Recognition of destructive multimedia content in the socio-cyberphysical Internet monitoring system by a single frame

K.D. Rusakov1, A.O. Iskhakova2, R.V. Meshcheryakov3

1-3 V. A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences of Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia)