K.D. Rusakov1, A.O. Iskhakova2, R.V. Meshcheryakov3
1-3 V. A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences of Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia)
In order to counteract the manifestation of aggression, pressure and other forms of destructive influence on the individual and group consciousness of users, the need arose to solve the problem of detecting destructive content, such as explicit nudity, violence, content of concern, drugs, alcohol, is relevant in the context of a fast pace of digitalization and generation of heterogeneous Internet content. The aim of the work was to analyze the existing developments in the field of detecting destructive heterogeneous content and to solve the problem of the minimum available information. The proposed system for detecting destructive content is based on a convolutional neural network that returns the probabilities of different classes of content. Next, the class corresponding to the maximum probability is selected. The experimental result shows that the proposed model provides an average top1 accuracy of 80% for all classes when tested on our sets of images. The practical significance of the obtained solution for detecting destructive content in images will reduce the volume (up to 10%), and, accordingly, increase the quality of the work carried out to recognize destructive content.
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