Articles by keyword adaptability
Prospect of the Growth Regulators Use for Medicinal Plants Protection Against Plant Pests and Deseases
L.M. Bushkovskaya, G.P.Pushkina, N.I. Sidel'nikov, V.A. Bykov
Use of the gene pool of mint to create varieties with higt adaptability
N.P. Shylo - Ph.D. (Agriculture), Senior Research Scientist, Prilukskaya Experiment Station, Priluki, Ukraine
Individually-typological features of the change in the performance and indicators of the variability of the heart rate in the subjects in their adaptation to new conditions of sensori-motor activity
N.A. Gridneva - Researcher, P.K. Anokhin Institute of Normal Physiology (Moscow). E-mail: E.P. Murtazina - Ph.D. (Med.), Leading Researcher, P.K. Anokhin Institute of Normal Physiology (Moscow). E-mail: B.V. Zhuravlev - Professor, Dr. Sc. (Med.), Head of Laboratory, P.K. Anokhin Institute of Normal Physiology (Moscow). E-mail: N.Yu. Trifonova - Researcher, P.K. Anochin Institute of Normal Physiology (Moscow). E-mail:
Dynamics of functional status in women of different age groups depending on the lateral behavioral profile asym-metry
R.L. Gurbanova - Junior Research Scientist, Obstetrical and Gynecological Department, FSBI «Rostov research Institute of obstetrics and Pediatrics», Rostov-on-Don, Russia. E-mail: T.L. Botasheva - Dr. Sc. (Med.), Professor, Chief Research Scientist, Obstetrical and Gynecological Department, FSBI «Rostov research Institute of obstetrics and Pediatrics», Rostov-on-Don. E-mail: T.G. Kirillova - Ph.D (Biol.), Associate Professor, Federal Public Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education «Southern federal university», Rostov-on-Don, Russia. E-mail: N.F. Kolpakova - Ph. D (Biol.), Associate Professor, Federal Public Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education «Southern federal university» E-mail: T.F. Zherdeva - Senior Lecturer, Federal Public Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education «Southern federal university». E-mail:
Analysis of the spectral-coherent characteristics EEG in subject in the condition of novelty sensorimotor activities
B.V. Zhuravlev - Dr.Sc. (Med.), Professor, Head of Laboratory, P.K. Anokhin\'s Institute of Normal Physiology (Moscow). E-mail: H.P. Murtazina - Ph.D. (Med.), Leading Research Scientist, Associate Professor, P.K. Anokhin\'s Institute of Normal Physiology (Moscow). E-mail: N.A. Shpringel - Research Scientist, P.K. Anokhin\'s Institute of Normal Physiology (Moscow). E-mail:
Set-theoretical model of homeostasis of group activity of operators of ergatic systems in conditions of negative impact environmental factors

S.А. Bagretsov¹, A.A. Danilov², V.N. Aldokhina³, S.A. Zyrin4, I.O. Sharapov5

1-3 Mozhaisky Military Space Academy (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)

4 Military University of Radioelectronics (Cherepovets, Russia)

5 Yaroslavl Higher Military School of Air Defense (Yaroslavl, Russia)

Effective method of selection of informative features in pattern recognition

L.I. Dvoyris – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor

K.D. Galev – Post-graduate Student