350 rub
Journal №6 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Use of the gene pool of mint to create varieties with higt adaptability
N.P. Shylo - Ph.D. (Agriculture), Senior Research Scientist, Prilukskaya Experiment Station, Priluki, Ukraine
Selected and studied experimental and collection forms of mint, which are the donors of resistance to cold, to stability to illnesses and used in hybridization for creation of sorts with high adaptiveness . As a result of hybridization were obtained and included in the register of varieties in Ukraine new varieties of mint Udaychanka, Diana, Oksamytovaya. The sort of peppermint of Udaychanka contains a more than 5,0 % essential oil in dry leaves and inflorescences, on collection of him from a hectare in 2 times exceeds the districtedsort Krasnodarskaya 2. Economic efficiency by comparison to a standard makes 2940 UAH/he. Karvonen cultivar Diana mint essential oil contains 65.5 % carvone, the collection of essential oil per hectare is 40-60 kg, characterized by intensive growth in the initial phases of developmen t (from germination to branching), forms a dense sward on the 2nd and 3rd years of life. Economic efficiency is 1200 UAH / he. Linaloolny Oksamytovaya variety is characterized by high winter hardiness, resistance to rust and powdery mildew, drought resistance. Collection of essential oil of 84.9 kg/ha, the content of linalool in the essential oil of 82-90%. Essential oil of peppermint linaloolnoy can be used in cosmetics, pharmaceutical industry and for pure linalool, which is traditionally prepared from the coriander essential oil.
Pages: 31-33

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