Articles by keyword DDS
Research of Shapers of High-Frequency Signals at use of Images of Working Frequency of DDS-Synthesizers
Romashov V.V., Mergurev A.V.
Characteristics of chirp signals synthesized by digital technology DDS
Y.T. Karmanov - D.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Director of Institute of Digital Processing Systems and Information Protection of South Ural State University (National Research University). E-mail:
S.V. Povalyaev - Post-graduate Student, Department of Information Communication Technologies of South Ural State University (National Research University). E-mail:
Estimation of DDS digital and analog non-linearities impact on LO spectrum in Doppler offsets band
E.M. Makarychev - Student, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University) I.A. Grigoryev - Post-graduate Student, Engineer, JSC «Radiofizika»
Development and specifications study of hybryd DDS-PLL-synthesizer with spurs suppression algorithm
A.A. Sukhanov - Student, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University) E.M. Makarychev - Student, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University); Engineer, PJSC «Radiofizika» (Moscow) I.A. Grigorev - Head of Sector, PJSC «Radiofizika» (Moscow)
DDS phase noise dependency on clock frequency and DDS output signal frequency

A.V. Korolev, S.G. Rykov

«JSC All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Radio Engineering»

Phase noise simulation of a hybrid frequency synthesizer based on a PLL loop without division of the VCO frequency

A.A. Sukhanov1, I.A. Grigoryev2

1,2 PJSC «Radiofizika» (Moscow, Russia)

1 MIPT (National Research University) (Moscow)

1; 2

Experimental determination of the coefficients of the formula for calculating the phase noise of direct digital synthesizers

A.V. Korolev1, S.G. Rykov2

1,2 JSC «All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Radio Engineering» (Moscow, Russia)

Research of the interaction between hybrid DDS-PLL synthesizers components

A.A. Sukhanov – Student, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University); 

Engineer, PJSC «Radiofizika» (Moscow)


I.I. Rubanov – Student, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University)


I.A. Grigoriev – Head of Sector, PJSC «Radiofizika» (Moscow) E-mail:

Neurocomputing in the study of characteristics of оculomotor activity among children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and specific developmental disorders of scholastic skills

V.L. Efimova – Ph.D. (Ped.), Principal Director of Scientific Research «Prognoz» group neurological clinics (Saint-Petersburg)


A.V. Novozhilov – Ph.D. (Biol.), Research Scientist, I.M. Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology  and Biochemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Saint-Petersburg)


Hybrid synthesizer with two PLLs and DDS Part 1. Frequency shift circuit

A.V. Korolev1, Y.V. Korshikov2, S.G. Rykov3

1-3 «JSC All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Radio Engineering» (Moscow, Russia)

Hybrid synthesizer with two PLLs and DDS Part 2. Fine tuning circuit and main PLL

A.V. Korolev1, Y.V. Korshikov2, S.G. Rykov3

1-3 «JSC All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Radio Engineering» (Moscow, Russia)

Phase noise of signal generators with multichannel digital synthesizers

A. V. Korolev1
1 JSC “All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Radio Engineering” (Moscow, Russia)