Articles by keyword selectivity
Physical Principles of Designing of the Surface Acoustic Wave Chemical Sensors on the Base of Mems with Molecularly Imprinted Polymers
B.I. Zapadinskii, R.G. Kryshtal, A.V. Medved, A.V. Roshchin
Magneto-Therapeutic Device for Malignant Tumors Exposure
E.D. Uskov, K.O. Hohlov, A.P. Volobuyev, N.F. Shkola, A.Y. Derstuganov
Analysis of the spatial selectivity of multi-frequency linear array
E.S. Emelyanov, E.F. Ivankin, V.A. Ponkin
The function of the spatial selectivity of the multi-channel multi-frequency radar system
A.V. Ivankin, E.F. Ivankin, V.A. Ponkin
Imitating modeling of the characteristics of radioelectronic means for an estimation of electromagnetic compatibility
G.A. Groshev, A.V. Masal
Classification and generation of images with a hierarchically connected neural network
Diane Sekou Abdel Kader - Post-graduate Student, Assistant, HVE Department of Control Engineering, Moscow State Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation. E-mail:
Methods of math modeling of high-selective low-loss SAW filters

T.V. Sinitsyna – Ph.D.(Eng.), Main Designer, 
LLC «BUTIS» (Moscow)

Features of the use of volumetric holograms in photonic devices of telecommunication systems

A.G. Prygunov1

1 FRPC «RNIIRS», FSBEI HE DSTU (Rostov-on-Don, Russia)

Plasma-chemical etching of quartz glass by sulfur hexafluoride

G.R. Sagatelyan1, K.N. Bugorkov2, A.B. Solomashenko3, A.S. Kuznetsov4

1–4 Bauman Moscow State Technical University (National Research University) (Moscow, Russia)