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Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №2 for 2019 г.
Article in number:
Methods of math modeling of high-selective low-loss SAW filters
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: 10.18127/j15604128-201902-03
UDC: 621.3.011.732

T.V. Sinitsyna – Ph.D.(Eng.), Main Designer, 
LLC «BUTIS» (Moscow)
E-mail: sinicina59@mail.ru


Conducted were studies aimed at achieving the maximum possible characteristics of surface acoustic wave (SAW) filters that meet modern equipment requirements. For the analysis of electrode structures frequency selective elements included in filter designs a modified P-matrix method based on the coupling-of-modes theory is used. To provide high fidelity of method takes into account the real acoustic (dispersion of wave velocity and reflection coefficient from parameters of interdigital transducer (IDT) and grating electrode structures; wave propagation losses arising from the conversion of SAW into bulk acoustic waves; multiple-mode nature wave propagation; the finite resistance of IDT electrodes and transducer effectiveness) and electromagnetic second order effects for different piezoelectric materials. At the first time the analysis conducted for the real IDT model (province of the working IDT aperture, the two gaps between the ends of the electrodes and metalized electric bus and two electric metal buses).
Method allows to simulating non-uniform electrode structure (with modulation of period, aperture and arbitrary distribution of reflections within the electrode structure) because as the cell selected pair electrodes with the corresponding own P-matrix. Total P-matrix of the IDT is the result of multiplying the basic P-matrices. This approach significantly extends the functionality of the method and simplifies the implementation of high performance SAW devices. Verification method been based on original designs of SAW low loss resonator filters based on reflector multistrip coupler – RMSC, U-shaped multistrip coupler, longitudinal coupled resonator – LCRF, impedance elements – IF and their combinations. Filters realized on different piezoelectric materials (different cuts of LiTaO3, LiNbO3 and quartz). Reached a combination of parameters (low shape factor 1.3 and low loss 2.1 dB) has no analogues for low loss type filters. The developed method is generic and can be used to simulate the SAW devices of various functional purposes (filters, delay lines, resonators).

Pages: 20-30
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Date of receipt: 18 февраля 2019 г. ·