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Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №6 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Imitating modeling of the characteristics of radioelectronic means for an estimation of electromagnetic compatibility
frequency-limited model
spectral density power characteristic
frequency selectivity characteristic
linear approximation
G.A. Groshev, A.V. Masal
In work the questions of imitating modeling of the characteristics of radio electronic means and algorithms of definition of parameters of the characteristics radio electronic means are considered. The given parameters are necessary at realization of stages frequency and power estimation of handicaps of algorithms of the analysis of electromagnetic compatibility of radio electronic means. Are offered is frequency - limited models of the characteristic of spectral density of capacity of radiations and characteristic frequency selectivity of channels reception. In tasks of an estimation of electromagnetic compatibility use of such models allows to define such radiations and such channels of reception, which form the channel of penetration of handicaps and separately to estimate the power contribution of each channel of penetration of handicaps to a cumulative signal of mutual handicaps, taking into account thus the form bending around spectral density of capacity of radiations and characteristic frequency selectivity of channels reception.
In work are offered the mathematical description of the offered characteristics of radio electronic means and algorithms for definition frequency of parameters frequency model of radiations and frequency the model of channels of reception, and also algorithms of definition of spectral density of power р-th of radiation and selectivity s-th of the channel of reception on the certain frequency.
Pages: 15-26
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