Articles by keyword iterative methods
Building a specialized preconditioner for numerical solution of volume integral equations of electrodynamics
I.E. Fedotov
The Numerical Solution of Integral Equations of Electromagnetic Scattering: from 1D to 3D Vector Scalar Case
S.P. Kulikov, A.B. Samokhin
The Computer Realization of the Algorithm for Solving Inverse Correlation Spectroscopy Problem
V.B. Lopatko, A.G. Novoselov, E.B. Perminov, A.V. Sumarokov
Solution оf Correlation Spectroscopy Inverse Proble Using the Static Light Scattering Data
Y.G. Gladush, S.V. Korneev, V.B. Lopatko, A.G. Novoselov, E.B. Perminov
Iterative Algorithms for Numerical Solution of Differential Equations with Linearly Transformed Argument
Ya. Yu. Konovalov
Iterative methods for the solution of volume singular integral equations of electromagnetics
A.B. Samokhin, A.S. Samokhina, O.V. Mikheev