Articles by keyword electric field strength
Digital Electrostatical Fluxmeter
V.A. Efimov
Estimation of electric field strength space-time dependence of flat biconic antenna at pulse excitation
A.A. Volkov
Experimental study of the level of uneven heating of dielectric materials and the absorbed power in the microwave resonator-type devices
V.A. Kolomeitsev - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department of Radioengineering, Saratov State Technical University named Yu. A. Gagarin
A.E. Semenov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department of Radiotechnic, Saratov State Technical University
D.N. Nikuiko - Post-graduate Student, Department of Radiotechnic, Saratov State Technical University
Y. A. Kuzmin - Deputy General Director of JSC «Almaz-Fazotron» (Saratov)
Technique for evaluating the radiation field characteristics of the antenna implemented on the basis of parachute harness under pulse excitation
A. A. Volkov - Head of Laboratory, Military Educational and Scientific Center - Zhukovsky-Gagarin Air Force Academy - (Voronezh). E-mail:
Model of space-time distribution of the electric field strength of a large current antenna

A. A. Volkov – Ph.D. (Eng.), Lecturer,

Military Educational-Research Centre of Air Force «Air Force Academy named after professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Y.A. Gagarin» (Voronezh) E-mail:

Influence of the microrelief of the electrode and the connection of the dielectric on the electrical strength and increased sensitivity to the structure of the field of thin-film metal-dielectric-metal electrodes

P.E. Troyan1, M.A. Sviridenko2

1,2 Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics (Tomsk, Russia)