350 rub
Journal Antennas №6 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Technique for evaluating the radiation field characteristics of the antenna implemented on the basis of parachute harness under pulse excitation
A. A. Volkov - Head of Laboratory, Military Educational and Scientific Center - Zhukovsky-Gagarin Air Force Academy - (Voronezh). E-mail: volkov_aa@autorambler.ru
When resolving the electronic countermeasures problems for wide-band applications or the issues of functional damage of electronic equipment an air dropped generator unit-s antenna implemented on the basis of parachute harness can be used as one of various types of emitters. To assess the effectiveness in the context of the above problems it is necessary to know the electric field strength pulse waveform emitted by the "generator-antenna" system at the point whose position in space is specified. There are no techniques that permit calculating the time dependence of the antenna-s radiated field at the field point with specified coordinates in the known literature sources. The present paper focuses on developing a technique for evaluating the space-time dependence of electric field strength for an antenna implemented on the basis of parachute harness under pulse excitation. The technique has been elaborated on the basis of the superposition principle for the electric field vectors of the finite aggregate of dipole antennas distributed over the conical surface and counterpoise. Each dipole antenna has been represented as the continuous sequence of elementary dipole sources. The telegraph equations have been used to make rough estimates of the electric current distribution along dipoles. With the elaborated technique, calculations of the time dependences of the electric field strength components for the antenna-s preset parameters, exciting pulse parameters and specified field point coordinates have been made. The frequency dependencies of radiation density upon the field point direction have been calculated. Our study has revealed that the amplitude-frequency characteristics of the electric field strength as well as the power density depend on the exciting pulse duration and the field point direction. Investigations have disclosed the relationship between the antenna directional response and exciting pulse duration. The present paper contains 9 figures and 13 references.
Pages: 27-34


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