A. A. Volkov – Ph.D. (Eng.), Lecturer,
Military Educational-Research Centre of Air Force «Air Force Academy named after professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Y.A. Gagarin» (Voronezh) E-mail: volkov_aa@autorambler.ru
In solving the problems of radio-electronic suppression in a wide frequency band or electromagnetic destruction of radio-electronic means antennas of large current can be used as emitters of the electromagnetic field. These antennas are characterized by the possibility of creating in the emitting elements of currents comparable to short-circuit currents. To assess the quality of functioning of radio-electronic means under conditions of destructive electromagnetic effects, it is necessary to know the spatial and temporal distribution of the field formed by the "generator–antenna" system. Models of space-time field distributions of high-current antennas available in the known literature do not take into account the excitation dynamics of the emitting elements and are therefore applicable only in cases of short emitters compared with the spatial length of the exciting pulse of the current.
The aim of the work is to develop a model of space-time distribution of the electric field intensity of a large current antenna when it is excited by pulses of arbitrary shape and duration. The model is based on the principle of superposition for the electric field strength vector. The antenna radiating vibrator was represented as a set of elementary emitters, and the circuit with the current – as a closed single-wire transmission line. Telegraph equations were used to approximate the current distribution in the antenna. Using this model the calculations of time dependencies of the electric field of the antenna were carried out for different directions of the emission upon excitation of the antenna with pulses of Gaussian shapes of different duration and in a coordinated manner. Energy radiation patterns were calculated.
It has been established that the amplitude-time characteristics of the field strength, as well as the energy density, depend on the duration of the exciting pulse and the direction to the observation point. The relation of antenna directional properties with the duration of the exciting pulse has been shown.
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