Articles by keyword космический объект
Application of multispectral photometric data for recognition problem of space objects
G. N. Kolesnichenko, A. V. Mironov, A. A. Vasjunin, S. V. Logunov
Calculation Algorithm of Approaches of Space Objects
I.K. Kostin, A.V. Testov
Synthesis Algorithm for Estimating the Rotation Parameters by the Combined Optical Images
R.S. Luchkin, V.V. Lavrov
Estimation of an Error of Calculation of Angular Parameters of Approaches of Space Objects
I.K. Kostin, S.N. Morozov
Method of Estimation of Quality of Space Objects Recognition
M.E. Prokhorov, J.G. Rindyn
Extraction from digital image of traces of faint space objects with unknown orbits
A.E. Kolessa, K.D. Kuzovov
Investigation of possibilities of estimating the rotation parameters using a number of optical images
V.V. Lavrov
Algorithm of detection of space objects for optoelectronic systems with large-format CCD-sensors
A.O. Konoplev, Yu.P. Shumilov
Comparative analysis of classical and approximate approaches of a covariance matrices errors calculations for parameters estimations of space objects orbit evolution forecast
I.K. Kostin, A.A. Rozhkov
Development of differential correction of coordinate-time and consumer navigation support based on trajectory data comparisons

A.O. Zhukov¹, N.A. Kupriyanov², S.V. Logunov³, D.K. Khegai4, B.P. Sidorov5

1 JSC «The Moscow Energy Institute Special Design Bureau» (Moscow, Russia), 

2, 3 Military Space Academy named Mozhayskiy (Saint Petersburg, Russia)

4 ITMO University (Saint Petersburg, Russia)

5 Department of the Ministry of defense of the Russian Federation (Moscow, Russia)

Methodology for creating a database of reference reflection spectra for space objects monitoring

D.S. Fedorenko1, V.N. Aldokhina2, V.D. Liferenko3, V.A. Romakhin4, K.I. Chebotar5

1−3Military Space Academy named after A.F. Mozhaisky (Saint Petersburg, Russia)

4Military University of Radioelectronics (Cherepovets, Russia)

5 Bauman Moscow State Technical University (National Research University) (Moscow, Russia)

Application of convolutional neural networks for detection and recognition of artificial space and ground objects

V.A. Pavlov – Leading Engineer, 

Higher School of Applied Physics and Space Technologies of Peter The Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University E-mail:

The main directions of development of radar technology for the observation of space objects with low radar visibility

S.Ye. Shaldayev1, D.Yu. Ubozhenko2, S.S. Veniaminov3, D.G. Mitrofanov4, M.I. Tokan5

1–5 Scientific Research Center “Kosmos”, Ministry of Defence (Moscow, Russia)

Estimation of the rotation period of a space object based on the results of effective scattering surface measurements

А.V. Zuzin1, Y.V. Slobchov2, А.Y. Slobchov3, V.О. Korolev4

1Yaroslavl Higher Military School of Air Defense (Yaroslavl, Russia)

2Joint-Stock Company "A.L. Mints Radio Engineering Institute" (Moscow, Russia)

3Interstate Joint-Stock Corporation "Vimpel" (Moscow, Russia)

4A.F. Mozhaisky Military Space Academy (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)

Advanced space surveillance system space objects in near-Earth space by optical-electronic means

I.I. Oleinikov1, S.A. Arkhipov2, A.T. Tungushpaev3

1-3 JSC “Precision Systems and Instruments” (Moscow, Russia)

The main directions of development of radar technology for the observation of space objects with low radar visibility

S.Ye. Shaldayev1, D.Yu. Ubozhenko2, S.S. Veniaminov3, D.G. Mitrofanov4, M.I. Tokan5

1–5 Scientific Research Center “Kosmos”, Ministry of Defence (Moscow, Russia)

Methodology for creating a database of reference reflection spectra for space objects monitoring

D.S. Fedorenko1, V.N. Aldokhina2, V.D. Liferenko3, V.A. Romakhin4, K.I. Chebotar5

1−3 Military Space Academy named after A.F. Mozhaisky (Saint Petersburg, Russia)

4Military University of Radioelectronics (Cherepovets, Russia)

5 Bauman Moscow State Technical University (National Research University) (Moscow, Russia),,, 4−

Estimation of the rotation period of a space object based on the results of effective scattering surface measurements

А.V. Zuzin1, Y.V. Slobchov2, А.Y. Slobchov3, V.О. Korolev4

1 Yaroslavl Higher Military School of Air Defense (Yaroslavl, Russia)
2 Joint-Stock Company "A.L. Mints Radio Engineering Institute" (Moscow, Russia)
3 Interstate Joint-Stock Corporation "Vimpel" (Moscow, Russia)
4 A.F. Mozhaisky Military Space Academy (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)