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Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №5 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Extraction from digital image of traces of faint space objects with unknown orbits
A.E. Kolessa, K.D. Kuzovov
The problem is considered of extraction from digital image of tracks of faint space objects with unknown orbits. An image comes from wide-field of view electro-optics sensor operating in stars-tracking mode. To solve this problem an approach is considered based on detection of fragments of tracks with further grouping. At the same time the problem of detection of stars is solving. Fragments of tracks as well as stars are detected within sliding spatial window with classification «star/fragment of track». Signal accumulation along hypothetical track is restricted by spatial window. The total number of extracted fragments of tracks to be grouped is much less then the total number of hot pixels to be associated into the tracks as far as the traditional approach is considered, based on signals thresholding with low threshold.
Pages: 32-40
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