Articles by keyword Итерации
The Method of Optimal Simple Iteration and Numerical Solution of Integral Equation of Electromagnetic Scattering
S. P. Kulikov
Numerical Solution of 2D and 3D Scattering Problems on a Dielectric Body by the Method of Optimal Simple Iteration and the Born Approximation
S. P. Kulikov
Iterative Method with a Complex Set of Chebyshev Parameters for the Numerical Solution of Integral Equation of Electromagnetic Scattering
S.P. Kulikov
The Numerical Solution of Integral Equations of Electromagnetic Scattering: from 1D to 3D Vector Scalar Case
S.P. Kulikov, A.B. Samokhin
The use of iterative procedures for the electrodynamic analysis of metamaterials
D.P. Tabakov - Ph. D. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor, Department of Bases of Construction and Tecnologies of Radiotechnical Systems, Volga State University of Telecommunications and Informatics (Samara). E-mail:
Parametric intervals of interpretability in iterative models of real ecological processes

A.Yu. Perevaryukha1

1 St. Petersburg Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg, Russia)