350 rub

Journal Electromagnetic Waves and Electronic Systems №6 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Iterative Method with a Complex Set of Chebyshev Parameters for the Numerical Solution of Integral Equation of Electromagnetic Scattering
iterative method with complex set of Chebyshev parameters
the method of optimal simple iteration
the singular integral equation
the discrete and continuous spectrum of operator
electromagnetic 3D scattering by a dielectrics
S.P. Kulikov
The explicit non-stationary iterative method with a complex set of Chebyshev parameters for the numerical solution of a linear operator equation of second kind with the spectrum of operator as an arbitrary complex-range segment is proposed and substantiated. The method is applied for the numerical solution of integral equation of scattering of electromagnetic waves by three-dimensional dielectric body in the low frequency and the resonant range of wavelengths. In work, the analytical, as well as the resulting numerical study the pattern of localization of continuous and discrete spectrum of singular integral operator are used. Effectiveness of the method is substantiated with a complex set of Chebyshev parameters for quasi-static case the spectral range of the singular integral operator in the form of an complex-range segment. Numerically investigated the comparative accuracy the method of the optimum simple iteration MOSI and MCTP shown good agreement with theoretical results and greater efficiency MCTP in the case of the spectrum as an arbitrary complex-range segment, as well as the best convergence MCTP in quasi-static and near-resonant range of wavelength for some inhomogeneous cases.
Pages: 4-13
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