Articles by keyword bionic
Piezoelectrical Properties of Human Skin
Mustafin T.N.
Autonomous Unmanned Underwater Micro-Vehicle and Their Possible Application in Military Sphere
Illarionov G. Y., Sidenko K.S.
Scenarios and programs of bionic assembly systems simulated by amur robots
Branko Katalinic, Valentin E. Pryanichnikov, Paulina Cesarec, Roman Kettler
Theoretical and methodological foundations of biofeedback

O.E. Petrunia – Ph.D. (Philos.), Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, Moscow Aviation Institute  (National research university) 


L.V. Poskotinova – Dr.Sc. (Biol.), Associate Professor, 

N. Laverov Federal Center for Integrated Arctic Research of RAS (Arkhangelsk)


Modern technologies of increasing the computing power of processors

V.A. Solovyov1, E.I. Azimov2, M.N. Yldashev3

1–3 Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Moscow, Russia)

Bionics and highly available systems

A.P. Karpenko1, I.N. Sinitsyn2

1 Bauman MSTU (Москва, Россия)

2 FRC «Computer Science and Control» of RAS (Moscow, Russia)

Review of ways of reading EMG signals in the forearm area for controlling of bionic upper limb prostheses

V.F. Bez’’yazychnyi1, E.A. Yeliseichev2, P.S. Vorobyev3, V.V. Mikhailov4, A.A. Tyaptin5

1,3 Rybinsk State Aviation Technical University (Rybinsk, Russia)

2,4 JSC «Rybinsk Instrument Making Plant» (Rybinsk, Russia)

5 «MIFRM», Ltd (Medical Center «Motus») (Yaroslavl, Russia)