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Journal Information-measuring and Control Systems №4 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Scenarios and programs of bionic assembly systems simulated by amur robots
Branko Katalinic, Valentin E. Pryanichnikov, Paulina Cesarec, Roman Kettler
One of the innovations in the field of assembling systems is a creation of a new generation of automated assembly systems, based on natural phenomena. Bionic Assembly System (BAS) is a new concept, which combines two basic control structures and principles: centralized control system, based on the hierarchy and self-organizing control system, based on the heterarchy. This paper describes hybrid control structure, working scenarios and scheduling, reconfigurations and logic of working cycles during the assembly of one unlimited sequence of assembly orders. These systems have some additional possibilities for minimization of assembling time using system and layout reconfiguration. Different possibilities of the reconfiguration of BAS are shown in this paper.
Pages: 34-43
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