Articles by keyword visibility zones
A method for determining the visibility zone of an information source that changes its position near the earth's surface

S.A. Skachkov1, I.L. Zhbanov2, I.E. Alexanyan3, V.V. Suhov4

1–3 Military Academy of Military Air Defense of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation named after Marshal of the Soviet Union A.M. Vasilevsky (Smolensk, Russia)

4 JSC “Concern “Morinformsystem-Agat”(Moscow, Russia)

Features of the ballistic construction of the orbital constellation of the spacecraft for radioelectronic monitoring of the Earth

D.I. Kuznetsov1, N.P. Kolesnikov2, B.B. Nikolenko3, A.O. Slavyanskiy4, A.E. Latyshev5

1-5 JSC «Central Radio-Research Institute named after academician A.I. Berg» (Moscow, Russia)