Articles by keyword satellite transponder
Оptimal Filter Selection for Satellite Transponder Autotracking System on Board of Rail-Based Vehicle
S.Yu. Yakovleva, Yu.A. Pykhov
Parametrical Optimization of Trajectory Filters in Antenna Satellite Transponder Autotracking System Mounted on Rail-Based Vehicle
Yakovleva, S.Yu., Pykhov, Yu.A.
Analysis of Combined Correction Schemas in Mechanical Antenna Beam Steering Conrol System at Satellite Transponder Autotracking from Board of Rail-Based Vehicle
S.Yu. Yakovleva, Yu.A. Pykhov
Combined correction schemas design based on trajectory filters in electronic and electronic-mechanical antenna beam steering conrol system for satellite transponder autotracking from board of rail-based vehicle
Yu.A. Pykhov, S.Yu. Yakovleva
The way of increasing the information transfer quality in mobile satellite communication unit by means of trajectory filtering in the precise pointing problem
Yu.A. Pykhov - Engineer, JSC «Radiofizika»
S.Yu. Yakovleva - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Senior Researcher, JSC «Radiofizika»
Research potential to transmit information through the multifunctional space systems retranslation «Luch»
D. V. Konovalova - Programmer Engineer, Integrated Technology Research, Scientific Industrial Enterprise, Russia. E-mail:
G. I. Andreev - Post-graduate Student, Lebedev Institute of Precision Mechanics and Computer Engineering Russian Academy of Sciences. E-mail:
V. V. Letunov - Post-graduate Student, Lebedev Institute of Precision Mechanics and Computer Engineering Russian Academy of Sciences. E-mail: