350 rub
Journal Radioengineering №10 for 2011 г.
Article in number:
Analysis of Combined Correction Schemas in Mechanical Antenna Beam Steering Conrol System at Satellite Transponder Autotracking from Board of Rail-Based Vehicle
S.Yu. Yakovleva, Yu.A. Pykhov
The control antenna beam mechanical steering system is considered to provide autotracking of geostationary telecommunication satellite transponder from board of rail-based vehicle. The possibility of satellite transponder autotracking based on antenna sensor measurements alongside with azimuth and altitude antenna orientation encoder measurements under the conditions of vehicle maneuvering and oscillation due to way irregularities is researched. Correction by output signal derivatives loop back, by parallel signals proportional to control signal derivatives and PID-regulator are considered as correction methods for control system. The trajectory -filter at control system input and in transfer functions of correction links is researched as additional correction source. The variety of possible vehicle trajectories is formed using specialised program complex "Universal Mechanism". S-curve is considered as a train maneuver model of in horizontal plane. Parametrical optimization for considered correction schemas using criterion of minimum energy losses providing minimax accuracy criteria was performed. Developed combined correction schemas provide the possibility of geostationary satellite transponder autotracking with tracking frequency at about tens hertz and energy loses less than 0,5 dB. Damping ratio of the developed tracking systems is not more than 1-1,5, that corresponds to overdamped system. Application of trajectory - and -filters at the tracking system input and for derivative estimation in the combined control schemas allows to increase tracking accuracy by 17-20 %.
Pages: 63-70
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