Articles by keyword real-time systems
The synthesis of parallel processing algorithms of multidi-mensional signals in the simulation of technical vision systems
S. S. Egorov, V. E. Miller, N. G. Mustafin, S. V. Savosin
Application software development for real-time systems with setup operational parameters
E.R. Abdulin
Timely delivering of message packages in distributed real-time systems
V. V.Nikiforov, V. I. Shkirtil
Solving the task of application software development in conditions of limited temporal resources for integrated control systems with real-time-based operational systems
E.P. Abdulin
Structured models for analysis of multitasking software systems
V. V. Nikiforov, V. А. Pavlov
Advantages and disadvantages integrated modular avionics

V.A. Kostenko – Ph.D.(Eng.), Leading Research Scientist, Faculty VMK, Lomonosov Moscow State University E-mail: