350 rub

Journal Highly available systems №4 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Solving the task of application software development in conditions of limited temporal resources for integrated control systems with real-time-based operational systems
software reliability
real-time systems
software development methodologies
Asymmetrical Cycles Method
E.P. Abdulin
The problem of the organization of software development process at a certain methodological hierarchical level is being investigated in this paper. The advantages for using the evolutional (spiral) methodology modified by the author for application software development for integrated control systems (ICS) were obviously shown. This modification introduces definitions of big and small cycles, their structures and rules of their applications. The modification result was named as Asymmetrical Cycles Method (ACM). ACM permits to organize the software development process for ICSes with specified parameters values which involve temporal (shortened period of development and testing usage) and reliable (specific quantity of remained errors in source code and predicted time of their detections) parameters. The estimates of reliability were obtained by using
JelinskiMoranda-s and Mills-s methods. One of the implements to fulfill the certain conditions is the component approach.
This software meets the State Standard (GOST) R ISO 9001-2008 requirements. This fact ensures the necessary quality level and alienability from the previous designer. So, this software can be used and keep its developing by qualified specialists without the previous designer.
Pages: 4-13
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