Articles by keyword radio engineering investigation
The Technique for Evaluation of the Dependence of Radioengineering Reconnaissance Aviation Stations Masses on Characteristics Defining Their Effectiveness
Yu.P. Mel-nikov, S.V. Popov
Methods of the Estimation of Accuracy of Definition of Range Up to the Ship Radar Station the Equipment of The Air Radio Engineering Investigation Recording Time of Flight of Radiohorizon
Ju.P. Melnikov
Methods of an estimation of efficiency of definition of coordinates of the mobile sea surface purposes in conditions of suppression of the active radar-tracking channel of an aviation complex
J.P. Melnikov
Approximations of diagrams of an orientation of aerials ship radar and their use for calculations of efficiency of air radio engineering investigation
Yu.P. Melnikov - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Leading Research Scientist, Scientific Research Centre (Central Scientific Research Institute) of the Military Airforce, Ministry of Defence. E-mail: ypursul@
Efficiency of definition of coordinates of mobile sources of radiation in conditions of radio-electronic struggle by means of the radio-electronic investigation placed on several aircraft

Yu.P. Melnikov – Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Leading Research Scientist,

Research Management SIC Central Research Institute of the Air Force Russian Defense Ministry of Russia (St. Petersburg) E-mail: