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Journal Radioengineering №4 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Methods of an estimation of efficiency of definition of coordinates of the mobile sea surface purposes in conditions of suppression of the active radar-tracking channel of an aviation complex
radio-electronic investigation
radio engineering investigation
station of active handicapes
an error of direction finding
a mistake of definition of coordinates
J.P. Melnikov
In article results of development of a technique of an estimation of efficiency of a fixing of mobile sources of radiation in conditions of radio-electronic war are placed by the equipment of the radio-electronic investigation placed on 2-3 flying devices. The basis of aviation means of radio-electronic investigation, for example, on the sea, is made with onboard radars and stations of radio engineering investigation. Conditions of radio-electronic war are usually considered by functioning in structure of the mobile reconnoitered purpose, for example, groups of the fighting ships or groups of flying devices, stations of handicapes. This station creates the active handicapes excluding definition by a method of measurement of a delay of a signal of range up to it, together with the objects next to it. The decision of a problem of a fixing of mobile group in these conditions is carried out by consecutive direction finding of the director of handicapes by the onboard radar established on the flying device.
Mobility of the purposes puts in one number with accuracy of definition of coordinates such parameter, as total time of obsolescence of information Туст, including time from the moment of reception of the information onboard the carrier of the weapon till the moment of opening on reception of own information means in area of the purpose. Sometimes for the beginning of interval Туст. Accept the moment of initial detection of the purpose information system. With reference to the onboard radar working without organized handicapes, the first definition practically coincides with the second as the interval of time from initial detection before reception of the information on its coordinates essentially is less, than time of preparation for start-up, time of flight of a rocket, etc.
At presence of the organized active handicapes to an onboard radar definition of coordinates of the purposes by traditional methods occupies the time interval close on size to timeexpenses listed above. Big time Туст is inadmissible can to reduce effort on increase in accuracy of definition of coordinates practically to zero. This circumstance leads to necessity of creation of the carried system from two direction finders when Туст it is not enough information systems and close by time of radar-tracking detection for the lack of handicapes.
The first in article considers a problem of definition of coordinates of the director of handicapes from two flying devices by its direction finding by the onboard radars placed on two flying devices. In connection with enough greater relation a signal/noise where as a signal the handicap acts, it is possible to expect greater accuracy of direction finding, rather than it takes place at definition of an azimuth of not radiating purpose in a regular mode of a radar. The same circumstance demands much of accuracy of definition of distance between flying devices, bases which is measured in system of the interplane navigation using satellite gauges. Calculations on the resulted ratio show an opportunity of reception of accuracy of measurement of range up to the director of handicapes, achievable in the onboard radars working without handicapes.
With reference to station of radio engineering investigation where for the objective reasons the method of a fixing from one point is inapplicable, on-off direction finding also is more preferable at investigation of the mobile purposes, than repeated direction finding on a route. One of features of station of radio engineering investigation is its wide range (on some orders more, than in typical onboard radars), this circumstance in a combination to necessary high accuracy of direction finding, demands accommodation on one flying device of the big number precision, and consequently, enough dimensional aerials that creates objective difficulties on installation of such means on flying devices of the small sizes: pilotless flying devices, ship helicopters, etc.
For the decision of this problem methods of a fixing of sources of the radio emissions, not using direction finders and considered in the present work, based on measurements of time can be used. In this connection, there was an object in view: development of a technique of an estimation of efficiency of a fixing of mobile sources of a radio emission at the decision of a problem of investigation mobile to objects in conditions of radio-electronic war by means of the radio-electronic investigation using both angular, and time measurements on 2-3-х flying devices. In article analytical parities for errors of definition of coordinates for three variants of a combination of measuring instruments of time intervals and their relative positioning are received. Results of calculation on them which testify to opportunities of achievement high accuracy of definition of coordinates of radiators, with accuracy, achievable are resulted at use of precision direction finders. In cases when analytical paritiesare bulky enough the schedules illustrating results of statistical modelling in Mathcad-14 environment are resulted.
Article comes to an end with a technique of a comparative estimation of efficiency of information system of a fixing of sources of radiation at the decision of a problem of investigation of the moving purposes. This efficiency is appreciated by a parameter connecting accuracy of definition of coordinates of the purpose with time, spent on getting of the information with the set accuracy. Examples of calculation are resulted.
Pages: 87-96
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