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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №6 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Approximations of diagrams of an orientation of aerials ship radar and their use for calculations of efficiency of air radio engineering investigation
Yu.P. Melnikov - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Leading Research Scientist, Scientific Research Centre (Central Scientific Research Institute) of the Military Airforce, Ministry of Defence. E-mail: ypursul@ gmail.com
The estimation of efficiency of stations radio engineering investigations (REI) includes, as is known, consideration of three basic stages: detection, definitions of coordinates and recognition of type of a source of a radio emission (SRE). At all stages the quantitative account of characteristics of one of basic elements SRE (for example, Radar) - the antenna device, being a link most radar with space is necessary. Stations of REI deals with the main characteristic of the aerial - its diagram of an orientation not only in the field of the main beam, but also in lateral and back directions. For example, at a stage of detection and a stage of definition of coordinates SRE in stations of REI with search on frequency definition of a level of lateral radiation as the probability of detection depends on it and, hence necessary number of angular measurements is important. At a stage of recognition REI the detailed knowledge of the diagram of an orientation allows at presence of a corresponding databank and comparison of results of measurement with a priori known to recognize type of the ship. In article the task of construction of analytical model of the diagrams of an orientation ship radar the circular review is put. Methods of approximations of diagrams of an orientation ship radar the circular review allowing are considered to consider lateral radiation of the aerial, reflection from local sources on a deck and from sites of a water table near to the ship, irradiated by the main beam. The estimation of reflections from superstructures is lead by a technique used at an estimation of sizes radar cross section (RCS) of the ships at their irradiation external radar with the purpose of its reduction in \"dangerous\" sectors. Reflections from sites of a sea surface paid off for « the average sea » for what analytical approximation of experimental data has been developed. Approximations are given in the form of mathematical expressions and the schedules allowing at presence at the user of concrete experimental data about reflections, to enter them by means of special algorithm. The example of data processing of one realization of model of the diagram of the orientation, showing to an opportunity of use of results of the analysis of the diagram of an orientation of the ship aerial in the decision of a task of definition of a rate of the ship is resulted by methods of REI. The example allows to determine conditions of reception of necessary data, and also to estimate expected errors.
Pages: 36-50


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