Articles by keyword Bistatic radar-location
Model of scattering singularscattering pluralscatterings of electromagnetic waves from objects with radio absorbing and heat-shielding coverings for radar-tracking system with the carried reception
A.R. Bestugin, V.N. Krasyuk, A.F. Kryachko, A.A. Ovodenko
Experimental estimation of the detection possibility of small-size aerial objects by the bistatic radar system
V. V. Utkin, P. N. Khazov, V. A. Korotkov, A. N. Ganiev, O. V. Rodionov
Complex of the bistatic radar-location on the basis of the ultrawideband active implemented phased array

A.V. Malinka1

1 JSC «Central Radio-Research Institute named after academician A.I. Berg» (Moscow, Russia)