Articles by keyword variety
The Results of 80-Year-Old Selection Work with Medicinal And Aromatic Cultures
N.T. Konon, F.M. Hazieva, I.E. Stanishevskaya, M.U. Grjaznov, S.A. Totskaya, I.N. Korotkih
Prospects for the use of shrubby cinquefoil Pentaphylloides fruticosa (L.) O. Schwarz in the republic of Bashkortostan
E.D. Danilova, I.M. Dolotovsky, R.M. Bashirova, N.S. Borisova
Construction of neural networks for classification of points of linear planes complexes of A5 and A6 types
A.N. Makoha, T.E. Tyshlyar
Use of the gene pool of mint to create varieties with higt adaptability
N.P. Shylo - Ph.D. (Agriculture), Senior Research Scientist, Prilukskaya Experiment Station, Priluki, Ukraine
Register of the human brain acoustic area spectrum

G.A. Shabanov¹, А.А. Rybchenko², Yu.A. Lebedev³, Е.А. Lugovaya4

1–4 Scientific Research Center “Arktika” Far Eastern Branch of the RAS