Articles by keyword the refractive index
The method of calculating the radio beam trajectory in the lower atmosphere of the Earth
A.N. Detkov - D.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Chief Scientific Officer of JSC «SPC NIIDAR»
S.I. Zherebtsov - Head of JSC «SPC NIIDAR»
A.N. Kobuzev - Chief of the laboratory of JSC «SPC NIIDAR»
I.A. Makarov - Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), senior researcher at the JSC «SPC NIIDAR»
Increased availability of the optical communications system with atmospheric segments
М.А. Карпов - Ph.D. (Eng.), MIREA
Е.В. Егорова - Ph.D. (Eng.), MIREA
Б.А. Кузяков - Ph.D. (Eng.), MIREA
Р.В. Тихонов - Post-graduant Student, MIREA
Х.М. Муад - Post-graduant Student, MIREA
В.С. Башмакова - Post-graduant Student, MIREA
The phase differences of reflection coefficients plane electromagnetic wave horizontal and vertical polarizations from the transition of the dielectric layer

A.V. Denisov – Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, 

Department of Radio Engineering and Telecommunications, Peter The Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University


M.A. Belyansky – Head of Department – Deputy Main Product Engineer, 

JSC «Zaslon» (Saint Petersburg)
