A.V. Denisov – Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor,
Department of Radio Engineering and Telecommunications, Peter The Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
E-mail: A.V.Denisov@inbox.ru
M.A. Belyansky – Head of Department – Deputy Main Product Engineer,
JSC «Zaslon» (Saint Petersburg)
E-mail: maxim_belyansky@mail.ru
In problems of radio navigation and digital wideband radio communication it is important to know the behavior of the wave phase when the parameters of the reflecting layer and (or) changes the angle of incidence of the wave on the layer. In this paper, the effect of wave polarization on the phase of the wave reflected from the layer depending on the angle of incidence of waves on the plasma isotropic layer is studied. The considered model of the layer differs from the Epstein layer in that the scales characterizing the speed of change of the function at the beginning and end of the layer do not coincide with each other.
Based on the known rigorous solutions of Maxwell's equations for isotropic transition layer with a continuous change of dielectric constant analyzed the differences in the phases of the reflection coefficients of plane waves of horizontal and vertical polarization — the calculation of the arguments of the reflection coefficients R(θ) and transmission T(θ) of electromagnetic waves of vertical (TM) and horizontal polarization (TE) using plasma isotropic layer for different thickness and different frequencies. The paper presents graphs for a wide range of cases of layer thickness and values of incident wave frequencies for different angles of incidence.
The analysis shows that the phases of reflection and transmission coefficients depending on the angle of incidence (at a fixed frequency and layer thickness) behave smoothly, significant changes begin in the region of incidence angles equal to or greater than the Brewster angle.
Denisov A.V., Belyanskii M.A. The phase differences of reflection coefficients plane electromagnetic wave horizontal and vertical polarizations from the transition of the dielectric layer. Electromagnetic waves and electronic systems. 2020. V. 25. № 1–2. P. 5−11. DOI: 10.18127/j15604128202001-2-01 (in Russian).
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