Articles by keyword retraining
Development of educational programs in the development of the pharmaceutical industry «Medical instrumentation»
I.A. Appolonjva - Ph.D.(Eng.), Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Techniques, Bauman Moscow State Technical University
R.I. Burlakov - Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, Department «Medical and technical information technology» (BMT-2), Bauman Moscow State Technical University
S.E. Kvashnin (1951 - 2013) - Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor
A.V. Kobelev - Assistant, Department «Medical and technical information technology» (BMT-2), Bauman Moscow State Technical University
V.V. Kotin - Ph.D.(Phys.-Math.), Assistant Professor, Department «Medical and technical information technology» (BMT-2), Bauman Moscow State Technical University
V.I. Petrov - Deputy Director, Scientific Research Institute of Bioiatrotechnics, Bauman Moscow State Technical University
S.I. Shchukin - Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, Head of Department «Medical and technical information technology» (BMT-2), Bauman Moscow State Technical University
Training and retraining of electronic model of the simplest nervous system performed within R&D program
V.N. Voronin - Ph.D. (Phis.-Math.), Deputy Head, Department of Intellectual Property, National Research Tomsk State University. E-mail: V.N. Shumilov - Research Assistant, International Laboratory, National Research Tomsk State University. E-mail: Y.A. Shumilov - Electronics Engineer, Laboratory of Siberian Physico-Technical Institute named academician V.D. Kuznetsov (Tomsk). E-mail: A.R. Tsoi - Electronics Engineer, Laboratory of Siberian Physico-Technical Institute named academician V.D. Kuznetsov (Tomsk). E-mail: A.V. Kiselev - Electronics Engineer, Laboratory of Siberian Physico-Technical Institute named academician V.D. Kuznetsov (Tomsk).E-mail: C.M. Sharshov - Electronics Engineer, Laboratory of Siberian Physico-Technical Institute named academician V.D. Kuznetsov (Tomsk). E-mail:
Overcoming linguistic barriers in code assistants: creating a Qlora adapter to improve support for russian-language code writing instructions

C.B. Pronin1, A.V. Volosova2, A.V. Ostroukh3, Yu.N. Strogov4

1, 3, 4 Moscow Automobile and Road Engineering State Technical University (MADI) (Moscow, Russia)
2 Bauman Moscow State Technical University (National Research University) (Moscow, Russia)
1, 2, 3, 4