350 rub
Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №10 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Development of educational programs in the development of the pharmaceutical industry «Medical instrumentation»
I.A. Appolonjva - Ph.D.(Eng.), Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Techniques, Bauman Moscow State Technical University
R.I. Burlakov - Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, Department «Medical and technical information technology» (BMT-2), Bauman Moscow State Technical University
S.E. Kvashnin (1951 - 2013) - Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor
A.V. Kobelev - Assistant, Department «Medical and technical information technology» (BMT-2), Bauman Moscow State Technical University
V.V. Kotin - Ph.D.(Phys.-Math.), Assistant Professor, Department «Medical and technical information technology» (BMT-2), Bauman Moscow State Technical University
V.I. Petrov - Deputy Director, Scientific Research Institute of Bioiatrotechnics, Bauman Moscow State Technical University
S.I. Shchukin - Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor, Head of Department «Medical and technical information technology» (BMT-2), Bauman Moscow State Technical University
Level of training with higher technical education for the medical industry in our country is greatly inferior to the level of training in other developed countries. Largest lag occurs in the high-tech medical equipment. Training programs do not change radically over a long period of time, the main emphasis in the preparation of specialists, because of the extremely low equipping schools with laboratory equipment, supplies, lack of modern development and production base, made on theoretical knowledge, but not on the practical skills and skills. As a result - a specialist in need of long-term development rather specific area of medical technology at the new place of work. The aim is the development of human potential medical industry, by providing training and retraining of specialists with higher technical education in the most promising areas of medical engineering and import substitution of competitive medical technology. The main problems to be solved in the course of work: development of educational programs for higher education institutions in the training of specialists for the medical industry to develop educational modules of training for the medical industry for higher educational institutions, training programs, training and retraining of experts, preparation of educational programs for secondary special education institutions. It will be carried out testing programs and their adjustment to the results of testing. The project addressed all of the major tasks on their own with the assistance of leading Russian specialists. The analysis of existing educational programs for training and retraining of the leading foreign universities.
Pages: 9-13


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