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Journal Neurocomputers №4 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Training and retraining of electronic model of the simplest nervous system performed within R&D program
V.N. Voronin - Ph.D. (Phis.-Math.), Deputy Head, Department of Intellectual Property, National Research Tomsk State University. E-mail: vnv@mail.tsu.ru V.N. Shumilov - Research Assistant, International Laboratory, National Research Tomsk State University. E-mail: vnshumilov@rambler.ru Y.A. Shumilov - Electronics Engineer, Laboratory of Siberian Physico-Technical Institute named academician V.D. Kuznetsov (Tomsk). E-mail: playcenter@ngs.ru A.R. Tsoi - Electronics Engineer, Laboratory of Siberian Physico-Technical Institute named academician V.D. Kuznetsov (Tomsk). E-mail: playcenter@ngs.ru A.V. Kiselev - Electronics Engineer, Laboratory of Siberian Physico-Technical Institute named academician V.D. Kuznetsov (Tomsk).E-mail: playcenter@ngs.ru C.M. Sharshov - Electronics Engineer, Laboratory of Siberian Physico-Technical Institute named academician V.D. Kuznetsov (Tomsk). E-mail: playcenter@ngs.ru
It is known that via connections between neurons electrical signals are transmitted through the brain using excited active elements, i.e. neurons. Neuron gets excited when the sum of the potentials of its inputs exceeds a threshold potential. An excited neuron consuming accumulated nutrients fires a signal of certain energy (standard potential and duration), which allows signals to transmit without attenuation further through branching structures of the brain. Originally nerve impulses are caused by stimuli, which are environmental factors for the input circuits of the brain, and are transmitted through the brain structures. The net reaction of organism to received inputs (stimuli) is determined by the muscles or glands of internal secretion that would be activated by the brain (NS). That is, by an interaction between nervous system and a certain actuating mechanism (manipulator) of the organism\'s nervous system reaction signal. On the other hand, it is known that the structure of the brain changes over time. The number of connections between neurons increases especially quickly with intensive training. Paper [1] considered the principles of brain functioning. The essence of these principles is that the connections in the brain are formed locally, on their own, without any external intervention. Connection between 2 neurons is formed if the neurons have a physical contact at the moment when both neurons are excited. When neuron fires it generates the output signal of the standard energy. Simultaneously, the potential of opposite sign appears at the excited neuron\'s input. This unusual for circuitry solution (a powerful influence by excited neurons on their own input) can solve many tasks providing the functioning of the brain. First of all, it is local formation on their own of connections between neurons and the selection of an optimal path of signal propagation through the structures of the brain that corresponds to the structure of connections between neurons and configuration of input signals. The decrease in weight over time of formed connections (their conductivity) provides forgetting. A phenomenon of neuron tiring (increase of excitation threshold) together with forgetting allows retraining, that is changes of the brain reaction when circumstances change. Proposed principles had been protected by a patent of RF № 2475843, and later implemented within the R&D program NIR-9006 «Development of electronic circuits to create a working model of artificial neuron-like element» in the Tomsk State University. During research we developed electrical circuits, created and tested electronic model of the simple nervous system consisting of three active neuron-like units (NU) and pairwise connections between them, both already existing and potential which can be formed under proper circumstances. During the tests created electronic model demonstrated the ability to train and retrain without external intervention, which confirmed the validity of the proposed principles of the brain functioning.
Pages: 26-28


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  2. Patent № 2475843 (RF). Adaptirovannoe upravljajushhee ustrojjstvo, nejjropodobnyjj bazovyjj ehlement i sposob organizacii takogo ustrojjstva / V.N. Voronin, V.I. Solomonov.2013.
  3. Razrabotka ehlektronnykh skhem dlja sozdanija dejjstvujushhejj modeli iskusstvennogo nejjropodobnogo ehlementa. Otchjot o nauchno-issledovatelskojj rabote po dogovoru № 9006 ot 04.09.2014.