Articles by keyword pulse interference
Algorithm of measurement of power of noise n the background of irregular pulse interferences
V. F. Klyuev, V. P. Samarin, A. V. Klyuev
The neural statistical technique of separation of signals of radar-tracking images against noises of impulse structure
E.A. Samoylin, Yu.A. Kuznetsov, A.S. Pomysov
Аnalysis of optimal space-time signals processing algorithms under conditions of noise and pulse interferences
S.P. Barinov
NMR signal detection in the presence of external interference

N.V. Anisimov1, A.A. Tarasova2, I.A. Usanov3, O.S. Pavlova4, D.A. Cheshkov5, Yu.A. Pirogov6

1,4 Faculty of Fundamental Medicine, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russian)

2,3,4,6 Faculty of Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russian)

5 State Scientific Research Institute of Chemistry and Technology of Organoelement Compounds (Moscow, Russian)

Magnetic resonance imaging at low signal-to-noise ratio, electromagnetic interferences and hardware imperfections

A.A. Tarasova1, N.V. Anisimov2, O.S. Pavlova3, M.V. Gulyaev4, Yu.A. Pirogov5

1–5 Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia)

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