Articles by keyword phase-only synthesis
Phase-Only Synthesis Methods for Formation of Widened Deep Nulls in the Radiation Pattern of a Phased Array Antenna with Random Distortions of the Amplitude-Phase Distribution
A. O. Manichev, A. S. Kondratiev, V. A. Balagurovskii
Synthesis of Cylindrical Arc Phased Antenna Arrays
Sh. Olleik, M. Rammal
Optimization of a Univariate Method for the Phase-Only Synthesis of Pattern Nulls of a Phased Array Antenna with Random Distortions of the Amplitude - Phase Distribution
A. O. Manichev
Features of contoured beams formed by phased array antennas
A.V. Shishlov - Ph. D. (Eng.), Deputy Head of Department, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University); Head of Department, PJSC «Radiofizika» (Moscow). E-mail: Yu.V. Krivosheev - Ph. D. (Eng.), Lecturer, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University); Senior Research Scientist, PJSC «Radiofizika» (Moscow). E-mail: V.I. Melnichuk - Research Scientist, PJSC «Radiofizika» (Moscow). E-mail: