Articles by keyword disjunctive normal form
Моделирование в системе Квартус-2 конфигурируемого логического блока на основе ДНФ ? представления систем логических функций с использованием функционально-полных толерантных элементов
S.F. Tyurin, A.A. Baydarov, A.M. Morozov, A.V. Nabatov
Modelling in Quartus-II system of configurable logical block on the basis of disjunctive normal forms-representation of logical functions - systems with the use of function-total tolerant elements
S.F. Tyurin, A.M. Morozov, A.V. Nabatov
Negation of the decoder
O.A. Gromov - Assistant, Department of Automation and Telemechanics, Perm National Research Polytechnic University. E-mail:
A.Y. Gorodilov - Research Associate, Perm National Research Polytechnic University. E-mail:
A.A. Suleymanov - Post-graduate Student, Assistant, Department of Automation and Telemechanics, Perm National Research Polytechnic University. E-mail:
S.F. Turin - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department of Automation and Telemechanics, Perm National Research Polytechnic University. E-mail:
The formalized representation of the model of threats of information security of APCS

D.V. Chernov – Assistant, 

Department «Information Security», Tula State University; 

Head of Sector of Information Security, JSC ADC (Tula)


A.A. Sychugov – Ph.D.(Eng.), Associate Professor, 

Head of Department «Information Security», Tula State University; 

Director of Institute of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science of Tula State University E-mail: