Articles by keyword detection method
The method for calculating position leak into the pipeline based on neural networks
А.G. Lutov, A.F. Bulatov
Comparison analysis of algorithms of anomalies - detection by statistics methods
M.A. Smychek - Ph. D. (Eng.), Main Specialist, Department of Communications, JSC «Giprogazcentr» (N. Novgorod). E-mail:
R.A. Sudarikov - Engineer, Sector of Scientific Research, Department of Communications, JSC «Giprogazcentr» (N. Novgorod). E-mail:
MicroRNAS - new promising tumor biological markers and targets for chemotherapy. Part 3. therapeutic use of microRNA. Methods of measuring microRNA concentration
A.N. Shirshova - Researcher, Laboratory of Pharmacogenomics, Institute of Сhemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ICBFM SB RAS), Novosibirsk M.A. Smetanina - Ph.D.(Biol.), Researcher, Laboratory of Pharmacogenomics, Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ICBFM SB RAS), Novosibirsk V.N. Aushev - Ph.D.(Med.), Senior Researcher, Laboratory of Oncogenes Regulation, Carcinogenesis Institute, N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center, Moscow M.L. Filipenko - Ph.D.(Biol.), Head of the Laboratory of Pharmacogenomics, Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk N.E. Kushlinskii - Dr.Sc. (Med.), Professor, Head of the Clinical Biochemistry Laboratory, N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center, Moscow
Detection of complex objects by radar systems with full polarization sensing of space and inverse synthesis of the antenna aperture

Alexandr V. Timoshenko – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Professor
Sergey V. Yakubovskiy – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Associate Professor
Nikolay A. Khodataev – Deputy General Designer
Alexey V. Alferyev – Post-graduate Student

Cumulative sums algorithm modeling in applied problems of detecting signals with a random moment appearance in non-Gaussian noise

V.M. Artyushenko¹, V.I. Volovach²

1 Public Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education of Moscow Region «Technological University»  (Korolev, Russia)

2 Federal Public Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Volga Region State University of Service» (Toglyatti, Russia)

Determination of coordinates of sources of pulse radio signals using Time Difference of Arrival method with one flying receiving point

I.V. Chebotar – Dr.Sc.(Eng.), Scientific and Pedagogical Worker, 

Cherepovets Higher Military Engineering Order of Zhukov School of Radio Electronics


I.V. Laptev – Ph.D.(Eng.), Scientific and Pedagogical Worker, 

Cherepovets Higher Military Engineering Order of Zhukov School of Radio Electronics


V.V. Pechurin – Ph.D.(Eng.), Scientific and Pedagogical Worker, 

Cherepovets Higher Military Engineering Order of Zhukov School of Radio Electronics


M.T. Baldychev – Ph.D.(Eng.), Scientific and Pedagogical Worker, 

Cherepovets Higher Military Engineering Order of Zhukov School of Radio Electronics


I.G. Pivkin – Scientific and Pedagogical Worker, 

Cherepovets Higher Military Engineering Order of Zhukov School of Radio Electronics E-mail: